
Outriders update patch notes
Outriders update patch notes

outriders update patch notes outriders update patch notes outriders update patch notes

The version 1 of the app was for making your own builds to share with others so you can show all your gear, class tree etc etc. Happy slaying for those who have the Early Access and I'll see you out there in the trenches of Enoch soon enough. The new app will offer a lot more so I don't forsee people needing the old version but in case you do, it will be there for you. So if you need to access them you will still be able to do so at that v1 url. When the Worldslayer version comes out and takes over outriders.app, the original Outriders App will still remain live on v1.outriders.app due to the fact that builds and the back-end infrastructure are so differenet in data for the builds, that your old builds will be hard to port. When I do push the new version the link won't change so the new app will appear on. When the Worldslayer goes live in a few hours for those with Early Access, the current app will still remain live until I push the app over it by the end of the week shortly after official 30th release date. Sadly I wasn't able to launch it for the 28th but I'm hoping to wrap it up it towards the end of the week for the official release so you guys can do some sick builds and share them with the community. I wanted to just let everyone know that I'm still wrapping up some data and the latest few things for builds on the new Outriders Outpost Worldslayer app.

Outriders update patch notes